Were you impacted by the January Storms? Learn how to apply for FEMA recovery funds at a workshop this weekend. Walk through the application step-by-step with experts before the deadline on 3/16/23.
Ways to Apply for FEMA Assistance (Deadline of March 16 2023)
Online at www.disasterassistance.gov
By Phone at 800-621-3362
In-Person at the San Mateo County Disaster Recovery Center, Monday-Saturday from 9am-5pm until March 14
Things To Know
Community members without legal status can apply through a minor child in their household. FEMA does not share data with ICE except under very rare circumstances (see fact sheet for more information).
Applicants that are referred to the Small Business Administration (SBA) by FEMA should apply for the SBA loan. If they are approved, they do not need to accept the loan. If they are denied the loan, FEMA will reevaluate their case to determine what level of financial assistance it can provide.
Applicants can appeal FEMA’s decision on their case. Appeals should be filed within 60 days of receiving the decision letter, but if this deadline is missed, applicants should appeal anyway, explaining why they could not meet the original appeal deadline.
Household & Individuals total assistance: Up to $41,000
